Cwm Draig completed their 2018 Bristol & West Water Polo League season with a commanding win for the Junior Squad against Newport. A fine finish to a difficult campaign, which has given us moments of encouragement and plenty of elements of where we can improve. The league shall recommence in March 2019, giving all three squads around twelve weeks to prepare and to develop certain aspects of their gameplay. The performance of our Senior Women and Junior Squad in their home matches against City of Bristol last month shall be analysed to provide a foundation and a perceptive of what can be incorporated within training schedules leading up to next season.
Cwblhaodd Cwm Draig eu dymor Cynghrair Polo Dŵr Bryste ac Gorllewin 2018 gyda buddugoliaeth aruthrol am y Garfan Ieuenctid yn erbyn Casnewydd. Gorffeniad da i ymgyrch anodd, sydd wedi rhoi momentau o anogaeth inni ac llawer o elfennau o ble y gallwn wella. Bydd y gynghrair yn ail-ddechrau ym mis Mawrth 2019, gan roi'r tri carfannau tua deuddeg wythnos i baratoi ac i ddatblygu rhai agweddau ar eu brofiad gêm. Bydd perfformiad ein Fenywod ac Carfan Ieuenctid yn eu gemau cartref yn erbyn Dinas Bryste mis diwethaf yn cael ei ddadansoddi i ddarparu sylfaen a safbwynt o beth y gellir ei ymgorffori o fewn amserlennu hyfforddiant sy'n arwain at i dymor nesaf.
Women Division: Cwm Draig v City of Bristol / Cynghair Fenywod: Cwm Draig yn erbyn Dinas Bryste
There was little to separate Cwm Draig and City of Bristol in the first quarter of the Women Division match, with both teams creating an even amount of opportunities to score and adopting a persistent and urgent approach whilst not in possession. Eventually, this closely-fought opening period of the match had a decisive moment, when the visitors took advantage of their Power Play and made the Dragons rue their missed chance to convert from an equivalent opportunity. Following their lead in the first quarter, City of Bristol found a spark and began to display their self-assurance, playing with more potency and found success through feeding the ball into the Centre position after patient build-up. Throughout the second quarter, the away side sustained their tenancy to pounce onto loose balls whilst on defensive duty, consequently restricting Cwm Draig and their control over possession. Nevertheless, the Dragons did produce efforts of creating opportunities to score, resulting in one goal, but their opponents had put some distance between each other with superior finishing.
Ychydig oedd yna i wahanu'r Cwm Draig ac Dinal Bryste yn chwarter cyntaf gêm Cynghair Fenywod, gyda'r ddau dîm yn creu nifer cyfartal o gyfleoedd i sgorio a fabwysiadu ymagwedd barhaus ac taer tra bod heb mewn meddiant. Yn y pen draw, roedd cyfnod agoriadol y gêm wedi ei chael digwyddiad pendant pan fanteisiodd yr ymwelwyr o'r eu Adeg gyda Mantais Chwaraewyr Ychwanegol (AGMChY) a wneuthur y Ddreigiau edifarhau eu gyfle a gollwyd i sgorio o'r sefyllfa cyfartal. Daeth Dinas Bryste sbarduno ar ôl eu arweiniad yn y chwarter cyntaf a ddechreuodd i arddangos eu hunan sicrwydd gan chwarae gyda mwy o rym a chael llwyddiant trwy fwydo'r bêl i safle'r Canolwr ar ôl datblygiad amyneddgar. Drwy gydol yr ail chwarter, wnaeth yr tîm oddi gatref yn cynnal eu dueddiad i panlwch ar peli rhydd tra bod ar dyletswydd amddiffynnol, gyfyngu Cwm Draig a'u rheolaeth dros feddiant o ganlyniad. Er hynny, fe wnaeth y Ddreigiau gynhyrchu ymdrechion o greu cyfleoedd i sgorio â arwain at un gôl, ond roedd eu gwrthwynebwyr wedi rhoi rhywfaint o bellter rhwng ei gilydd gyda saethu uwch.
The second half of the game had featured identical traits from the previous half. Both teams experienced a similar amount of chances to increase their tallies. City of Bristol maintained their inclination to convert from their Power Plays, which again proved to be a decisive factor in proceedings. Cwm Draig did execute another well-worked, fluid move to score their second and third goals - some good vision and precise passing created the opening for the goal, showing a glimpse of what they could potentially produce. In both quarters in the second half of this match, City of Bristol had the upper hand in regards to shooting accuracy as they coasted to victory. The opposition displayed better ball control, composure and decision-making than the Dragons, giving them an advantage when using time and space in attack.
Roedd ail hanner y gêm wedi cynnwys nodweddion unfath o'r hanner blaenorol. Roedd gan y ddau tîm nifer tebyg o gyfleoedd i gynyddu eu gyfrif gôl. Wnaeth Dinas Bryste yn cynnal eu duedd i sgorio o'u AGMChY, a fu unwaith eto yn profi i bod ffactor pendant mewn yr gêm. Gwnaeth Cwm Draig weithredu gwaith da gyda fwy o symudiad hylifol i sgorio eu goliau ail a'u trydydd - roedd rhywfaint o weledigaeth dda a phasio manwl yn creu agoriad am yr gôl, gan ddangos cipolwg o beth gallent eu gynhyrchu. Yn y ddau chwarter yn ail hanner y gêm hon, roedd gan Dinas Bryste y rhagoriaeth o ran cywirdeb saethu wrth iddynt ennill yn cyffyrddus. Dangosodd yr gwrthwynebiad reolaeth o'r bêl, hunanfeddiant a phenderfynu well na'r Dreigiau, sydd wnaeth yn rhoi mantais iddynt wrth ddefnyddio amser ac gwagle yn ymosodiad.
The visitors gained a slight edge over the Dragons in each quarter, which subsequently had a significant bearing on the complexion of the match as a whole. Goals aside, every period was tightly-contested based on other statistics; end-to-end play and certainly not one-sided game. Both teams showed the same degree of creative flare and impetus to create a similar amount of opportunities to score. The two teams demonstrated shrewd protection of their own goal whilst defending as Cwm Draig denied 41% of their opposition's shots on goal from being converted and the City of Bristol prevented a third of the Dragons' attempts on target from scoring. However, the away side were evidently more clinical than the Dragons, with a shot efficiency of 42%, compared to the hosts' rate of 14%. Furthermore, City of Bristol proved to be the more prudent team and were fruitful when Cwm Draig committed major fouls, converting five goals from five occasions where they had Power Play.
Enillodd yr ymwelwyr ychydig o fantais fwy dros y Ddreigiau ym mhob chwarter, â oedd wedyn yn cael effaith sylweddol ar yr anianawd o'r holl gêm. Goliau o'r neilltu, roedd pob cyfnod yn cystadleuaeth agos yn seiliedig ar ystadegau eraill; chwarae o fen i fen arall ac yn sicr fod nid oedd gêm unochrog. Dangosodd y ddau dîm yr un raddfa o ysgogiad creadigol i greu nifer debyg o gyfleoedd i sgorio. Arddangosodd y ddau dîm amddiffyniad call o'u gol eu hunain wrth i Cwm Draig wadu 41% o'r ergydion ar targed y wrthwynebiad a wnaeth Dinas Bryste yn atal traean o ergydion ar targed y Ddreigiau oddi sgorio. Fodd bynnag, roedd yr tîm oddi gatref yn amlwg yn fwy clinigol na'r Dreigiau, gydag effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 42%, o'i gymharu â chyfradd 14% yr gwestywr. Ar ben hynny, daeth Dinas Bryste i fod yn tîm mwy doeth ac toreithiog pan wnaeth Cwm Draig cyflawni trosedd mawr, gan sgorio pump goliau o bump AGMChY.
Cwm Draig demonstrated a wide array of five different types of shot during the match. The most successful and commonly used was the Action shot, with a shot efficiency rate of 50% and happens to be the source of all the goals scored. The Dragons were unable to convert from free-throws, centre shots, long-ranged shooting or whilst in Power Play. City of Bristol performed with a more versatile range of shooting, entailing six shot types. Overall, their preference was to feed the ball into the Centre position, which transpired to take up a third of the total amount of attempts they had, with a shot efficiency rate of 38%. The away team were productive when they had an opportunity with an extra player advantage, scoring five goals from six shots in five occasions with Power Play. During one of the opponents’ third quarter Power Plays, they required two shots to score after the initial attempt was saved and eventually converted on the rebound. Because of that, their shot efficiency with Power Play stood at 83%.
Dangosodd Cwm Draig amrywiaeth eang o bump math gwahanol o saethu yn ystod y gêm. Y mwyaf llwyddiannus a ddefnyddir yn gyffredin oedd y Ergyd Arwaith, gyda chyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 50% ac yw yr ffynhonnell o holl goliau a sgoriwyd. Nid oedd y Ddreigiau yn gallu trosi o dafliadau rhydd, Ergydion Canolwr, Ergydion Pellter Hir neu tra chwarae o fewn AGMChY. Perfformiodd Dinas Bryste gydag amrediad mwy hyblyg o saethu, gan gynnwys chwech math o ergyd. Yn gyffredinol, eu flaenoriaeth oedd i fwydo'r bêl i safle'r Ganolwr, a oedd yn gymryd traean o gyfanswm yr ergydion a gawsant, gyda chyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 38%. Roedd y tîm oddi gatref yn gynhyrchiol pan oeddent yn cael cyfle gyda AGMChY, gan sgorio pump gôl o chwech ergydion mewn pump adegau. Yn ystod un o AGMChY yr gwrthwynebydd yn y drydedd chwarter, roedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw gael dau ergydion i sgorio ar ôl i'r ymgais gychwynnol gael ei arbed a'i drosi ar y adlam. Oherwydd hynny, roedd eu heffeithlonrwydd ergyd gyda AGMChY yn 83%.
As the data proclaims, 14% of the total amount of shots from our Senior Women was converted Action shots. The joint-largest proportion of shots taken from Cwm Draig, at 23%, were unconverted shots from Free Throws and whilst attacking with Power Play. Out of all the attempts our opponents took, successful Power Play shots and unsuccessful shots from the Centre position were in equal measure.
Fel yr data yn cyhoeddi, 14% o'r cyfanswm o ergydion gan ein Fenywod oedd Ergydion Arwait eu sgorio. Roedd y gyfran fwyaf ar y cyd o ergydion â gymerodd Cwm Draig, sef 23%, oedd yn ergydion heb eu drosi o dafliadau rhydd ac wrth ymosod o fewn AGMChY. O'r holl ymdrechion a gymerodd ein wrthwynebwyr, ergydion o fewn AGMChY eu sgorio a ergydion o safle'r Canolwr heb eu drosi oedd yn gyfartal.
Each of the three converted shots from the Dragons came from three separate positions and the assists came from two different areas, with Position 4 being the location of two assists. The majority of City of Bristol’s converted shots came from Position 6 and Position 4. A significant proportion of their assists came from the Point position. Position 2 was the most active zone, containing two converted shots and three assists.
Daeth pob un o'r tri ergyd eu sgorio o'r Dreigiau o dair safle ar wahan a daeth yr pasau blaenorol dod o ddwy ardal wahanol, gyda Safle 4 bod yr lleoliad o ddau pasau blaenorol. Daeth mwyafrif yr ergydion Dinas Bryste o Safle 6 a Safle 4. Daeth cyfran sylweddol o'u basau blaenrol o Safle Pwynt. Safle 2 oedd y ardal mwyaf gweithredol, cynnwys dau ymgais eu sgorio a thri pasau blaenorol.
Junior Division: Cwm Draig v City of Bristol / Cynghair Ieuenctid: Cwm Draig yn erbyn Dinas Bryste
The match had a promising start for both teams, with City of Bristol’s Junior Squad breaking the deadlock soon after the swim-off and the Dragons equalising through a Power Play. From there on, the visitors enjoyed most of possession and opportunities to score, which resulted in a further seven goals, including two converted shots from two Power Plays. Cwm Draig had their own chances to score following their leveller and took advantage of two, bringing their tally to three goals. By the end of the first quarter, Cwm Draig had achieved a shot efficiency rate of 60%, with their opponents converting a rate of 72% of their shots. Going into the second quarter, City of Bristol’s intense work-rate in defence had resulted in many interceptions, twelve in all in the first half of the match. This had limited Cwm Draig’s control of the ball and stifled their creativity going forward. It was ostensible that Cwm Draig would have to play with constant extortion against the physicality and vitality of the opposition throughout the course of the match. The away side’s ever-increasing goal tally looked like it had no signs of stopping, showing lethal and accurate finishing to score nine goals from nine attempts without reply.
Roedd gan y gêm ddechreuad addawol am yr dau dîm, gyda Carfan Ieuenctid Dinas Bryste sgorio gôl cyntaf ar ôl gwibiad cychwyn ac yr Dreigiau'n cyfateb trwy AGMChY. O hynny ymlaen, roedd yr ymwelwyr yn mwynhau'r rhan fwyaf o feddiant a chyfleoedd i sgorio, â oedd saith gôl arall yn dilyn, gan gynnwys dau ergydion eu sgorio o fewn AGMChY. Cafodd Cwm Draig siawnsau eu hunain i sgorio ar ôl eu gôl cyfartal a manteisiodd ar ddau gyfle, dod eu gyfanswm o goliau i dri. Erbyn diwedd y chwarter cyntaf, roedd Cwm Draig wedi cyflawni cyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 60%, gyda'u wrthwynebwyr yn sgorio cyfradd o 72% o'u ergydion. Wrth mynd i fewn i'r ail chwarter, roedd cyfradd waith amddiffyn Dinas Bryste oedd yn dwys ac wedi arwain at lawer o rhyng-gipiadau, deuddeg i gyd yn hanner cyntaf y gêm. Wnaeth hyn gyfyngu reolaeth Cwm Draig ar y bêl ac yn mygu eu greadigrwydd ymosodol. Roedd yn ymddangosiadol y fyddai'n rhaid i Cwm Draig chwarae gyda cribddeiliaeth cyson yn erbyn cyswllt corfforol a fywiogrwydd yr wrthwynebiad trwy holl gêm. Roedd yr cyfrif gôl cynyddol y dîm oddi gatref yn edrych fel nad oedd ganddi unrhyw arwyddion o stopio, gan ddangos saethu angheuol a chywir i sgorio naw gôl o naw ymgais heb ateb.
City of Bristol continued to attack with aplomb and conviction throughout the remainder of the match, converting twelve goals from eighteen shots, achieving a shot efficiency rating of 67%. The away team also sustained their high defensive intensity to snuff out Cwm Draig advances going forward, nullifying them to seven shots in the whole of the second half. A similar story to the first half, Cwm Draig would struggle to cope with their opponents’ tireless vigour with and without possession and their agility with movement and ball transfer. Cwm Draig had some moments of encouragement with two well-executed finishes as well as a tenacious showing in resistance City of Bristol attack with some fine interceptions.
Parhaodd Dinas Bryste i ymosod gydag ysgogiad ac argyhoeddiad trwy weddill y gêm, gan sgorio deuddeg gôl o ddeunaw ergydion a ennill graddfa effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 67%. Hefyd, wnaeth y dîm oddi gatref yn cynnal eu angeredd amddiffynnol uchel i dirymu ymosodau Cwm Draig, gan cyfyngu nhw i saith ergydion yn yr ail hanner. Hanes debyg i'r hanner cyntaf, gyda Cwm Draig yn brwydro i ymdopi ag grym ddiflino eu wrthwynebwyr gyda a heb meddiant a'u sioncrwydd gyda symudiad a throsglwyddo bêl. Roedd gan Cwm Draig rai adegau o anogaeth gyda dau ymgais wedi’i weithredu‘n dda yn ogystal â arddangosiad o wydnwch dalgar yn erbyn ymosodiad Dinas Bryste gyda rhai rhyng-gipiadau dirwy.
A comprehensive victory for City of Bristol, who had earned an overall shot efficiency rate of 76%. Cwm Draig had an equal amount of off-target shots, denied shots and goals at five each. Our opponents scored four times from five occasions with Power Play, Cwm Draig had four opportunities with Power Play, only managing to convert from the first one. In total, City of Bristol made 24 interceptions and saw 56% of possession, an average of six every quarter. The Dragons made 10 interceptions and had the ball for 44% of the match.
Buddugoliaeth gynhwysfawr i Ddinas Bryste, a oedd wedi ennill cyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 76%. Roedd gan Cwm Draig nifer cyfartal o bump am ergydion sydd oedd oddi ar y darged, eu wadu a eu sgorio. Sgoriodd ein wrthwynebwyr bedwar tro o bump AGMChY, wnaeth Cwm Draig dim ond yn gallu sgorio o’r cyfle cyntaf allan o’u bedwar AGMChY. Yn gyfan, cafodd Dinas Bryste 56% o feddiant ac gwnaeth 24 o rhyng-gipiadau, sef chwech ar gyfartaledd bob chwarter. Gwnaeth y Ddreigiau 10 rhyng-gipiadau a chafodd y bêl am 44% o'r gêm.
Cwm Draig were inclined to utilise the Action Shot more than any other shot type, registering six attempts and two goals as a result. In addition, the Dragons managed to score at least one goal with every shot type they adopted during the match. Free Throw produced the highest rate of shot efficiency at 50%, which suggests that they were most efficient when they had earned a foul in a good position to shoot, as opposed to playing patient and precise build-up. City of Bristol had a fairly balanced proportion of three types of shot, featuring Centre shots, Counter-Attack shots and Action Shots. This mixed variety made their advances versatile and unpredictable, which proves to be difficult for defending teams to resist and strategise against as they would not have a consistent pattern to recognise and foresee. On ten occasions and at a 60% efficiency rate, City of Bristol applied a style of direct play which priortised the Centre position as the target location of shot. At a rate of 70% shot efficiency from ten attempts, the opponents performed the Action shot, which is produced by distribution of the ball in a full-team offence and anticipating for an opening. The away side's joint-most profiting type of shot was on the Count-Attack at 100% efficiency, resulting from interceptions, followed by rapid movement to exploit the defending team on the break with extremely high tempo and clear intent. City of Bristol also had a maximum efficiency rate with shots during Power Play; four attempts leading to four goals in five separate occasions, the visitors did not take a shot on the one occasion with Power Play due to committing a foul.
Roedd Cwm Draig yn goleddol i ddefnyddio'r Ergyd Arwaith yn fwy nag unrhyw fath arall, gan gofrestru chwech ymgais a dau gôl o ganlyniad. Hefyd, llwyddodd y Dreigiau i sgorio o leiaf un gôl gyda phob math o ergyd â fabwysiadu yn ystod y gêm. Cynhyrchodd tafliad rhydd y gyfradd uchaf o effeithlonrwydd ergyd ar 50%, sy'n awgrymu eu fod yn fwyaf effeithlon pan oeddent wedi ennill ffowl mewn safle dda i saethu, yn hytrach na chwarae amyneddgar ac datblygus. Roedd gan Ddinas Bryste gyfran eithaf cytbwys o dri math o ergydion, yn cynnwys Ergyd Canolwr, Ergyd Gwrthymosod ac Ergyd Arwaith. Wnaeth yr amrywiaeth gymysg hon yn creu ymosodau annaroganadwy ac amryddawn, sydd wedi'i brofi i fod yn anodd i wrthsefyll a strategio mewn gwrthwynebiad i am timiau tra'n amddiffyn ohewydd na fyddai ganddynt batrwm cyson i gydnabod a rhagweld. Ar ddeg adegau ac ar gyfradd effeithlonrwydd o 60%, gweithredodd Dinas Bryste arddull o chwarae uniongyrchol a flaenoriaethu safle'r Canolwr fel lleoliad targed am yr ymgais. Ar cyfradd o 70% o effeithlonrwydd ergyd oddi ddeg ymgais, perfformiodd y wrthwynebwyr yr Ergyd Arwaith, â gynhyrchir trwy dosbarthiad o’r pêl mewn ymosod tîm llawn a rhagweld am agoriad. Yr math o ergyd â tîm oddi gatref ar y cyd fwyaf proffidiol gyda gradd effeithlonrwydd o 100% oedd Erygion Gwrthymosod, o ganlyniad oddi rhyng-gipiadau, ac yna symudiad cyflym i ymelwa y dîm amddiffyn ar yr bylchiad gyda tempo uchel iawn a bwrpas clir. Ymhellach, roedd gan Ddinas Bryste gyfradd effeithlonrwydd uchaf â ergydion o fewn AGMChY; pedair ymgais yn arwain at bedwar goliau mewn pump cyfloedd ar wahân, ni cymerodd yr ymwelwyr ymgais ar un AGMChY oherwydd cyflawnodd trosedd.
During the match, 27% of attempts by Cwm Draig were Unconverted Action Shots, closely followed by Long Distance Shots at 20%. The biggest proportion of shots from City of Bristol were converted Counter-Attack shots, which stands at 24%. Moreover, 18% and 16% of their attempts was converted Action shots and converted Centre shots respectively.
Yn ystod y gêm, roedd 27% o ymdrechion gan Cwm Draig yn Ergydion Arwaith heb eu drosi, ac roedd Ergydion Pellter Hir yn dilyn hynny gyda 20%. Y gyfran fwyaf o ergydion o Ddinas Bryst oedd Ergydion Gwrthymosod eu sgorio, sy'n 24%. Ymhellach, 18% a 16% o'u hymdrechion oedd Ergydion Arwaith a Ergydion Canolwr eu sgorio yn y drefn honno.
Zone 1 was the most profitable area to shoot for Cwm Draig, resulting in three goals. Zone 4 was also a highly-involved area for the Dragons, entailing two assists, one goal and the location of the awarded free throw which led to that goal. For the away side, the most engaged position was Zone 3, contributing to nine assists, three goals and the location of an awarded free throw that led to a goal in that area. Zone 6 was the zone of origin for ten converted shots, the most out of every area, featuring all six goals scored with Centre position shots, one penalty shot, two counter-attack shots and one Power Play shot. Additionally, two interceptions (one in the defensive half and one in Zone 2) directly led to goals, five assists came from the defensive half, leading to converted Counter-Attack shots and we witnessed a goal from the defensive half - a long-distanced, converted shot from City of Bristol's goalkeeper.
Ardal 1 oedd yr safle fwyaf proffidiol i saethu am Cwm Draig, gan arwain at tri gôl. Roedd Ardal 4 hefyd yn safle wnaeth â Dreigiau ymglymu llawer iawn gyda, gan gynnwys dau pasau blaenorol, un gôl ac yr lleoliad o dafliad rhydd eu dyfarnu â arwain at yr gôl yna. Ar gyfer yr tîm oddi gatref, y safle fwyaf cysylltiedig oedd Ardal 3, gan gyfrannu at naw pasau blaenorol, tri gôl a leoliad o dafliad rhydd eu dyfarnu â arwain at un o'r goliau. Ardal 6 oedd y darddiad am deg ergydion eu sgorio, y fwyaf allan o bob ardal ac yn cynnwys y chwech gôl yn yr safle Canolwr, un ergyd cosb, dau ergydion gwrthymosod ac un ergyd o fewn AGMChY. Yn ogystal, fe wnaeth dau rhyng-gipiadau (un yn yr hanner amddiffynnol ac un yn Ardal 2) arwain at goliau uniongyrchol, daeth pump pasau blaenorol yn dod o'r hanner amddiffynnol ac yn arwain i Ergydion Pellter Hir eu sgorio a gwelsom gôl o'r hanner amddiffynnol - Ergyd Pellter Hir eu drosi o gol-geidwad Dinas Bryste.
There is plenty to discuss, dissect and improve on prior to the start of next season. One has a hopeful manner that this analysis can provide a basis for the team and coaching personnel to work on as we sustain the continuous development and journey of the club. Many thanks to the players, coaches, committee members and supporters for their commitment, passion and effort towards the club. Onwards and upwards to 2019!
Mae yna digon i'w drafod, i ddyrannu a'i wella cyn dechrau'r tymor nesaf. Mae un yn gobeithio y gall y ddadansoddiad hwn fod yn sail i'r tîm a phersonél hyfforddi i weithio arno wrth i ni gynnal datblygiad parhaus a thaith y glwb. Diolch yn fawr i'r chwaraewyr, hyfforddwyr, aelodau'r pwyllgor a chefnogwyr am eu hymrwymiad, eu angerdd a'u hymdrech tuag at y glwb. Ymlaen a hyd at 2019!