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Analysis: Senior Women vs. Exeter | Dadansoddiad: Menywod yn erbyn Caerwysg

Cwm Draig competed for the final time in 2019 with a home Women Division match against Exeter. The match summed up a difficult campaign for the Dragons; the whole season has holistically presented several aspects of where all three Cwm Draig squads can improve. With the league recommencing in March 2020, focus shall be directed towards preparation and developing certain aspects of each squads’ gameplay. This article shall analyse the performance of our Senior Women in their final match of the Bristol & West Water Polo League against Exeter to provide a basis and an insight of what can be incorporated within preparation for the 2020 season.

Cystadlodd Cwm Draig am y tro olaf yn 2019 gyda gêm gartref yn Cynghrair Menywod yn erbyn Caerwysg. Crynhodd yr ornest ymgyrch anodd i'r Dreigiau; mae'r tymor cyfan wedi cyflwyno sawl agwedd yn gyfannol ar ble y gall pob un o'r tair carfan Cwm Draig wella. Gyda’r gynghrair yn ailgychwyn ym mis Mawrth 2020, bydd ffocws yn cael ei gyfeirio tuag at baratoi a datblygu rhai agweddau ar tactegau pob carfan. Bydd yr erthygl hon yn dadansoddi perfformiad ein Menywod yn eu gêm olaf o Gynghrair Polo Dŵr Bryste a Gorllewin yn erbyn Caerwysg i ddarparu sylfaen a mewnwelediad o'r hyn y gellir ei ymgorffori o fewn baratoad ar gyfer tymor 2020.

First and Second Quarter Summary | Crynodeb o’r Chwarter Cyntaf ac Ail

The match began with a closely-fought proceedings, entailing the Dragons converting from a penalty shot to cancel out the opening goal of the game scored by the visitors. Both teams had an equal number of interceptions in the opening period, however the opposition used possession with more efficiency. The impact of this provided the away side with the majority of the first quarter goal-scoring opportunities, and despite being denied on four separate occasions, they successfully executed another three shots to lead 4-1. The opposition demonstrated more clinical finishing in the second quarter, converting eight goals from nine attempts on goal, putting distance between themselves and the Dragons. Another goal with a penalty shot doubled the Dragons’ tally, however, Cwm Draig were forced into being dispossessed numerous times through the away side’s constant pressing and urgency to win back the ball. The visitors led at half-time with a score of 12-2.

Dechreuodd yr ornest gydag gweithrediadau agos, gan olygu y Dreigiau’n trosi o ergyd cosb i ganslo mas gôl agoriadol y gêm a sgoriwyd gan yr ymwelwyr. Roedd gan y ddau dîm yr un nifer o ryng-gipiadau yn y cyfnod agoriadol, ond defnyddiodd yr wrthwynebwyr feddiant yn fwy effeithlon. Fe wnaeth effaith hyn roi'r mwyafrif o gyfleoedd sgorio'r chwarter cyntaf i'r tîm oddi cartref, ac er iddynt gael eu gwrthod ar bedwar achlysur gwahanol, fe wnaethant gyflawni tair ergyd arall yn llwyddiannus i arwain 4-1. Dangosodd yr wrthwynebwyr fwy o saethu clinigol yn yr ail chwarter, gan drosi wyth gôl o naw ymgais ar gôl, gan roi pellter rhyngddynt eu hunain a'r Dreigiau. Fe wnaeth gôl arall gydag ergyd cosb ddyblu cyfrif y Dreigiau, fodd bynnag, gorfodwyd Cwm Draig i gael ei ddadfeddiannu sawl gwaith trwy bwyso cyson a brys yr tîm oddi cartref i ennill y bêl yn ôl. Arweiniodd yr ymwelwyr ar hanner amser gyda sgôr o 12-2.

Third and Fourth Quarter Summary | Crynodeb o'r Trydydd a'r Pedwerydd Chwarter

Exeter repeated their first-half attributes and continued to use an intense work-rate to perform several interceptions all over the field of play. The impact of this disrupted the Dragons’ rhythm and restricted their opportunities to attack. Nevertheless, there was a squandered opportunity for Cwm Draig to score through a Power Play. The visitors had an equal amount of third quarter shots as they did in the previous period, converting two goals less this time. 18-2 to Exeter going into the final period. The fourth quarter was more open, with Cwm Draig experiencing slightly more freedom in comparison to previous quarters. The Dragons were able to attack with more impetus during this closing period, attempting five shots on goal, three of which came in three Power Plays, but to no avail. Despite having more influence in this quarter, the Dragons were still powerless to resist their opponents, after a combined display of more interceptions and potent shooting, resulting in five goals from eight created chances.

Ailadroddodd Caerwysg eu priodoleddau hanner cyntaf a pharhau i ddefnyddio cyfradd waith ddwys i berfformio sawl rhyng-gipiad ar hyd a lled y maes chwarae. Amharodd effaith hyn ar rythm y Dreigiau a chyfyngu eu cyfleoedd i ymosod. Serch hynny, gwastraffodd Cwm Draig gyfle sgorio trwy Adeg gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol. Cafodd yr ymwelwyr yr un faint o ergydion trydydd chwarter ag y gwnaethant yn y cyfnod blaenorol, gan sgorio dwy gôl yn llai y tro hwn. 18-2 i Exeter yn mynd i mewn i'r cyfnod olaf. Roedd y pedwerydd chwarter yn fwy agor, gyda Cwm Draig yn profi ychydig mwy o ryddid o'i gymharu â'r chwarteri blaenorol. Llwyddodd y Dreigiau i ymosod gyda mwy o ysgogiad yn ystod y cyfnod cau hwn, gan geisio pum ergyd, a daeth tri ohonynt mewn tri Adeg gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol, ond heb ddim llwyddiant. Er gwaethaf cael mwy o ddylanwad yn y chwarter hwn, roedd y Dreigiau yn dal i fod yn ddi-rym i wrthsefyll eu gwrthwynebwyr, ar ôl arddangosiad cyfun o ryng-gipiadau a saethu grymus, gan arwain at bum gôl o wyth cyfle a grëwyd.

Match Summary | Crynodeb o’r Gêm

With a holistic view of the overall statistics, it is clear to see how much impact Exeter’s gameplay had on the complexion of the match. The away side created 72% of the shots in the match, achieved a shot efficiency rate of 68% and produced two-thirds of the total amount of interceptions. The high-pressing opposition applied constant limitation on the Dragons’ time and space whilst in possession, effectively seeing Cwm Draig get frequently unsettled with their progression on the ball and often resulting in them succumbing to dispossession. The effect of this saw Cwm Draig and their ability to attack with aplomb be restricted - the intensity of the opponents persistently stifled creativity, flare and passing tempo of Cwm Draig, as they struggled to gain authority in the match. According to statistics, Cwm Draig could only produce one goal-scoring opportunity out of every three times in possession. Apart from the twelve occasions when they were intercepted, Exeter executed an attack for a strong proportion of time in possession, and with a reasonably high shot efficiency rate of 68%, they coasted to victory. Cwm Draig had bouts of numerical advantage to reduce the deficit through Power Play, four in total, but they were unable to benefit.

Gyda golwg gyfannol ar yr ystadegau cyffredinol, mae’n amlwg gweld faint o effaith a gafodd tactegau Caerwysg ar olygfa yr ornest. Creodd yr tîm oddi cartref 72% o'r ergydion yn yr gêm, cyflawnodd gyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd o 68% a chynhyrchu dwy ran o dair o gyfanswm y rhyng-gipiadau. Roedd pwyso uchel’r wrthwynebiad yn cyfyngu'n gyson ar amser a gwagle y Dreigiau tra'u bod yn eu meddiant, a arweiniodd i Cwm Draig yn mynd yn ansefydlog yn aml gyda’u dilyniant ar y bêl ac yn aml yn arwain atynt i ildio i ddadfeddiannu. Wnaeth effaith hwn gyfyngu Cwm Draig a'u gallu i ymosod gyda hunanfeddiant - roedd dwyster y gwrthwynebwyr yn mygu creadigrwydd, fflêr a thempo pasio Cwm Draig yn barhaus, wrth iddynt ymdrechu i ennill awdurdod yn yr ornest. Yn ôl yr ystadegau, dim ond un cyfle i sgorio y gallai Cwm Draig ei gynhyrchu allan o bob tair gwaith mewn feddiant. Ar wahân i'r deuddeg achlysur pan gawsant eu rhyng-gipio, cyflawnodd Caerwysg ymosodiad am gyfran gref o amser mewn feddiant, a chyda chyfradd effeithlonrwydd ergyd weddol uchel o 68%, fe wnaethant ennill yn rhwydd. Roedd gan Cwm Draig sawl Adegau gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol i leihau’r diffyg, pedwar i gyd, ond nid oeddent yn gallu elwa.

Type of shots: Summary | Mathau o ergydion: Crynodeb

Cwm Draig: Type of Unconverted and Converted Shots | Cwm Draig: Mathau o ergydion heb eu drosi ac eu sgorio

Cwm Draig utilised six different shot types during the match, with Penalty Shot the only type to source goals and the other five shot types, including Power Play shot, Centre shot, Action shot, Long-Distance shot and Free Throw, produced unconverted shots. The most successful shot type was the Penalty shot with a shot efficiency rate of 100%. The Dragons’ most commonly used shot type were the Action Shots and Power Play shots, both contributing 23% each to the Dragons’ total amount of attempts. 85% of total shots by Cwm Draig were unconverted, with 15% being converted. This reflects the impact of the Dragons’ limitation with attacking creativity and flare, due to the opposition relentless work-rate to limit Cwm Draig time and space whilst in possession.

Defnyddiodd Cwm Draig chwe math gwahanol o ergydion yn ystod yr ornest, gyda Ergyd Cosb yr unig fath i ddod o hyd i goliau a'r pum math arall o ergydion, gan gynnwys ergyd gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol, ergyd Canolwr, ergyd Arwaith, ergyd Pellter Hir a Tafliad Rhydd, i gynhyrchu ergydion heb eu drosi. Y math ergyd mwyaf llwyddiannus oedd yr ergyd Cosb gyda chyfradd effeithlonrwydd o 100%. Y math ergyd a ddefnyddir amlaf y Dreigiau oedd yr ergydion Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol ac ergydion Arwaith, y ddau yn cyfrannu 23% yr un at gyfanswm ymdrechion y Dreigiau. Roedd 85% o gyfanswm y ergydion gan Cwm Draig oedd heb eu drosi, gyda 15% oedd eu sgorio. Mae hyn yn adlewyrchu effaith o’r cyfyngiad gydag greadigrwydd ymosodol a fflêr yr Dreigiau, oherwydd cyfradd waith ddi-baid yr wrthwynebiad i gyfyngu amser a gwagle Cwm Draig tra’n mewn feddiant.

Opposition: Type of Unconverted and Converted Shots | Gwrthwynebiad: Mathau o ergydion heb eu drosi ac eu sgorio

Exeter also employed a range of six shot types during the match, with five types supplying goals, including Power Play shot, Centre shot, Action shot, Counter-Attack shot and Penalty shot. Only attempted Long-Distance shots did not add to their goal tally. The most successful shot type was the Counter-Attack shot with a shot efficiency rate of 100%. The opponents’ most commonly used shot type was the Action Shots, taking up 46% to their full quantity of chances. 32% of total shots by Exeter were unconverted, with 68% being converted. The statistic of Counter-Attack shots supplying 21% of total shots taken by Exeter reflects the impact of their high-pressing, urgency to intercept the ball and regain possession, as that was immediately followed by moving the forward as quickly as possible to leave Cwm Draig vulnerable on the break to exploit the space. Not only did this tactic prevent Cwm Draig from attacking on numerous occasions, but also fuelled over a fifth of Exeter’s goal-scoring opportunities.

Gweithredodd Caerwysg detholiad o chwe math o ergyd yn ystod yr ornest, gyda phum math yn cyflenwi goliau, gan gynnwys ergyd gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol, ergyd Canolwr, ergyd Arwaith, ergyd Gwrth-Ymosodiad ac ergyd Cosb. Dim ond ergydion Pellter Hir nad oeddent yn ychwanegu at eu cyfrif gôl. Y math ergyd mwyaf llwyddiannus oedd yr ergyd Gwrth-Ymosodiad gyda chyfradd effeithlonrwydd o 100%. Y math ergyd a ddefnyddir amlaf y gwrthwynebwyr oedd y ergydion Arwaith, cymryd lan 46% â maint llawn o ymdrechion. Roedd 32% o gyfanswm yr ergydion gan Caerwysg oedd heb eu drosi, gyda 68% yn sgorio. Mae ystadegyn o’r ergydion Gwrth-Ymosodiad sy'n cyflenwi 21% o gyfanswm yr ergydion a gymerwyd gan Caerwysg yn adlewyrchu effaith eu pwyso uchel, brys i ryng-gipio'r bêl ac adennill meddiant, gan fod hynny wedi cael ei ddilyn ar unwaith ac yna symud y pêl ymlaen ar gyflym a posib i adael Cwm Draig yn archolladwy yn ystod torriad i ymelwa’r gwagle. Nid yn unig y gwnaeth y dacteg hon atal Cwm Draig rhag ymosod ar sawl achlysur, ond fe hefyd yn cyflenwi dros un rhan o bump o gyfleoedd sgorio Caerwysg.

Cwm Draig: Origin of Assists / Passes Preceding Shots and Shots in Attacking Positions / Zones | Cwm Draig: Tarddiad o pasau blaenorol o ergydion ac ergydion yn safleoedd / rhanbarthau ymosodol

Zone 3 entailed the most executed shots (3) and passes preceding shots (2) for Cwm Draig during the first and second quarters. The Dragons produced three Action shots through patient, organised build-up play, with each attempt coming in three separate areas. As mentioned earlier in the article, the limitations on time and space during possession for the Dragons had a nullifying effect on their impetus and flare. As a result, they were forced to take four unconverted shots, three of which were beyond the five-metre line. It was evident that the Dragons felt the urge to take the opportunities swiftly, as opposed to working the ball into shooting areas closer to the opposition goal, due to constant dispossessions by the relentless Exeter defensive press. The source of the goals came from conversions with two Penalty shots.

Roedd Rhanbarth 3 yn cynnwys yr ergydion a gweithredwyd (3) ac pasau blaenorol o ergydion (2) fwyaf am Cwm Draig yn ystod y chwarter cyntaf a'r ail chwarter. Cynhyrchodd y Dreigiau dair ergyd Arwaith trwy chwarae datblygedig amyneddgar a drefnus, gyda phob ymgais yn dod mewn tri rhanbarthau ar wahân. Fel soniwyd yn gynharach yn yr erthygl, cafodd y cyfyngiadau ar amser ac gwagle mewn meddiant i'r Dreigiau effaith ddiddymu ar eu hysgogiad a'u fflêr. O ganlyniad, fe'u gorfodwyd i gymryd pedair ergyd heb eu drosi, tri ohonynt y tu hwnt o'r llinell bum metr. Roedd yn amlwg bod y Dreigiau yn teimlo’r ysfa i gymryd y cyfleoedd yn gyflym, yn hytrach na gweithio’r bêl i ardaloedd saethu yn agosach at i gôl yr wrthwynebiad, oherwydd y dadfeddiannau cyson gan pwyso amddiffynnol ddi-baid Caerwysg. Daeth y goliau yn dod o drosiadau gyda dwy ergydion Cosb.

During the third and fourth quarters, Zone 3 and 4 contained an equal amount of passes preceding shots (2 each). In these quarters, Cwm Draig were able to produce three shots; two Power Play shots and a Centre shot, which transpired to be the closest origins of shot they had to the opposition goal. These shots saw Cwm Draig make rare penetration in areas near the Exeter goal. Despite that, three out of the seven shots came around the six-metre line, including two Free Throws, which once again illustrates how they often felt inclined to take the chance quickly and not to work the attack into potential shooting areas closer to the goal – due to the constant pressure and relentless interceptions made by Exeter.

Yn ystod y trydydd a'r pedwerydd chwarter, roedd Rhanbarth 3 a 4 yn cynnwys yr un faint o basiau blaenorol o ergydion (2 am pob un). Yn y chwarteri hyn, llwyddodd Cwm Draig i gynhyrchu tair ergydion; dwy ergydion gyda Mantais Chwaraewr Ychwanegol ac ergyd Canolwr, a ddaeth i fod yr tarddiadau o ergydion agosaf a gawsant i gôl yr wrthwynebiad. Wnaeth ergydion hon weld Cwm Draig gwneud dreiddiad prin mewn ardaloedd ger gôl Caerwysg. Er gwaethaf hynny, daeth tair allan o’r saith ergydion o amgylch y llinell chwe metr, gan gynnwys dwy Dafliad Rhydd, sydd unwaith eto’n dangos sut roeddent yn aml yn teimlo’n dueddol o gymryd y cyfle yn gyflym a pheidio â gweithio’r ymosodiad i ardaloedd saethu posib yn agosach at y gôl - oherwydd y pwysau cyson a'r rhyng-gipiadau di-baid a wneir gan Caerwysg.

Opposition: Origin of Assists / Passes Preceding Shots and Shots in Attacking Positions / Zones | Gwrthwynebiad: Tarddiad o pasau blaenorol o ergydion ac ergydion yn safleoedd / rhanbarthau ymosodol

Zone 3 was Exeter’s most active area for assists and passes preceding shots, seven in total, five of which resulted in converted shots. Furthermore, Exeter produced three converted shots through long-distance assists. Regarding the origin of shots, Exeter produced five converted shots in Zone 6, three of which were Centre shots, typically executed by the player furthest forward in the Cwm Draig defensive half in that respective play. The remaining converted shots in Zone 6 were Counter-Attack shots. With a high conversion rate in Zone 6, this suggests that Exeter were efficient when attacking with direct play to penetrate Cwm Draig as close to their goal as possible, exploiting any gaps in their defence. Furthermore, with Action shot being the most commonly used shot by Exeter during the match, half of which came in the first and second quarters and had a 50% success rate.

Rhanbarth 3 oedd ardal mwyaf gweithredol Caerwysg ar gyfer pasau blaenorol o ergydion, saith i gyd, ac arweiniodd pump ohonynt at ergydion wedi'u trosi. Ar ben hynny, cynhyrchodd Caerwysg dair ergyd wedi'u sgorio trwy pasau blaenorol pellter hir. O ran tarddiad yr ergydion, cynhyrchodd Caerwysg bum ergyd wedi'u sgorio yn Rhanbarth 6, tri ohonynt oedd ergydion Canolwr, a gyflawnwyd yn nodweddiadol gan y chwaraewr bellaf ymlaen yn hanner amddiffynnol Cwm Draig. Y weddill o’r ergydion eu sgorio yn Rhanbarth 6 oedd ergydion Gwrth-Ymosodiad. Gyda chyfradd trosi uchel yn Rhanbarth 6, mae hyn yn awgrymu bod Caerwysg yn effeithlon wrth ymosod gyda chwarae uniongyrchol i dreiddio Cwm Draig mor agos at ei gôl â phosibl, gan ymelwa’r unrhyw fylchau yn eu hamddiffyn. Ar ben hynny, gydag ergyd Arwaith yn cael ei ddefnyddio amlaf gan Caerwysg yn ystod yr ornest, daeth hanner ohoni yn y chwarter cyntaf a'r ail a chyfradd llwyddiant o 50%.

During third and fourth quarters, Zone 3 was a fruitful area to produce passes preceding shots, with six resulting in goals. The second most commonly used area for passes preceding shots transpired to be Zone 2, which set up two converted shot and two unconverted shots. Like the first half, Zone 6 was a prolific area for Exeter, containing seven converted shots. Zone 3 was also an active area, contributing four goals. Exeter refrained from taking too many shots in the wide areas, however, they produced three unconverted Action shots in these areas. This would imply that their strengths very much lie in their proficiency to convert shots in central areas, particularly Counter-Attacking shots (4 converted shots) and Action shots (5 converted shots).

Yn ystod y trydydd a'r pedwerydd chwarter, roedd Rhanbarth 3 yn ardal toreithiog i gynhyrchu pasiau blaenorol o ergydion, gyda chwech yn arwain at goliau. Yr ail rhanbarth a ddefnyddir amlaf ar gyfer pasiau blaenorol o ergydion yn daeth i fod Rhanbarth 2, a sefydlodd ddwy ergydion wedi'u sgorio a dwy ergyd heb ei drosi. Fel yr hanner cyntaf, Rhanbarth 6 oedd yw’r ardal doreithiog am Gaerwysg, yn cynnwys saith ergyd wedi'i sgorio. Roedd Parth 3 hefyd yn ardal gweithredol, gan gyfrannu pedair gôl. Ymataliodd Caerwysg rhag cymryd gormod o ergydion yn yr ardaloedd llydan, fodd bynnag, fe wnaethant gynhyrchu tair ergyd Arwaith heb eu drosi yn yr ardaloedd hyn. Byddai hyn yn awgrymu bod eu cryfderau yw eu hyfedredd i drosi ergydion mewn ardaloedd canolog, yn enwedig ergydion Gwrth-Ymosodiad (4 ergyd wedi'u sgorio) ac ergydion Arwaith (5 ergyd wedi'u sgorio).

Plenty to areas to advance, aspects to work and preparation to be made prior to the start of next season – this article of match analysis only divulges an extract of how the club can prepare for 2020. The continuous development and journey of the club is at the best interests of everyone associated with Cwm Draig. On that note, as ever, many thanks to the players, coaches, committee members and supporters for their continuous commitment, desire and effort for the club.

Digon i adrannau i wella, agweddau i weithio arno a pharatoad i'w gwneud cyn dechrau'r tymor nesaf - mae'r erthygl hon o ddadansoddiad gêm yn datgelu dyfyniad yn unig o sut y gall y clwb baratoi ar gyfer 2020. Mae datblygiad a thaith barhaus y clwb yn budd gorau pawb sy'n gysylltiedig â Cwm Draig. Ar y nodyn hwnnw, fel erioed, diolch yn fawr i'r chwaraewyr, hyfforddwyr, aelodau'r pwyllgor a chefnogwyr am eu hymrwymiad, eu dymuniad a'u hymdrech barhaus i'r clwb.

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